e-Zee Trains 1500 Towergate Broking Staff

Author: Kevin Child
Case study

Following the launch of our new training services, e-Zee is pleased to report the completion of the Towergate Insurance Brokers training programme for their migration to the Acturis broking platform.   e-Zee provided the end user training for 1500 Towergate broking staff, delivering 372 training courses over the 18-month roll-out.   

Abby Gaynor, Towergate Project Manager, said:  We were really pleased with the e-Zee training team, who brought a wealth of insurance and system knowledge to the programme.  This knowledge and experience enabled them to understand our requirements and have credibility with our staff when delivering the training. 

Kevin Child, Director at e-Zee said:  e-Zee are delighted to have assisted Towergate with their Acturis roll-out, delivering courses all over the UK.  e-Zee trainers have the unique advantage of having years of experience in various roles within the insurance industry, together with experience of all the solutions available to brokers.  e-Zee trainers can therefore relate training of the new platform to the old and relate to the training delegates on industry debate.